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How to change your lifestyle for the better

  How to alternate your lifestyle for the better Life is a lovely adventure of growth and self-improvement, and one of the most powerful approaches to decorating your standard of well-being and happiness is by changing your way of life for the better. By making conscious choices and adopting more healthy behaviors, you can embark on a transformative path toward a more gratifying life. In this newsletter, we're going to explore a complete method of lifestyle alternative, specializing in numerous elements that include bodily fitness, mental well-being, non-public boom, and nurturing meaningful connections. Changing your lifestyle for the better is a deeply private and transformative adventure that calls for dedication and self-compassion. Start by setting meaningful goals, reflecting on what aspects of your life you need to enhance, and breaking them down into possible steps. Prioritize self-care by taking care of your bodily, emotional, and mental well-being through ordinary exercis

How to Control Anger & Manage Anger Issues


Control anger & manage anger issue


Control Anger & Manage anger issues:

Anger is a very natural emotion we all feel angry when things are not under our control and anger management is very challenging, your blood pressure goes high when somebody not listening to you so to control anger & manage anger issues as if anger is not under your control it will harm your relationship and your health suffer also as person loose temper and his nerves could not control anger & manage anger issues it will lead to hypertension and much other illness

Anger management:

To control your anger and manage anger issue as it makes changes to you physically and mentally is very difficult to control when intense negative feeling happens to you, its a very natural feeling we all faces but things are that we manage it by avoiding that situation if things are gone out of control or keep calm to yourself and handle it with a cool mind and make the time pass to think in a better manner.

Tips to Control Anger & Manage Anger Issues:

We cannot completely solve the problem of anger in person or ourselves as it is a very natural emotion we all face anger in our daily life or some part of life but thing is that we can control anger & manage anger issues, so here are some tips to control anger & manage anger issues. 

1-Speak Lastly:

When we are in anger not think before we speak as a result things gone worse, so to deal with a situation of anger take your time to think, and also give the other person time to think, and as time passes your anger got lighter, you can discuss issues which create a problem, in this way you control anger & manage anger issues

2-Express your thoughts when time passes:

When you see the situation is not in your control then take your time and as things go lighter mood then discuss it with that person what matter you got angry? or how you can solve the problem with mutual understanding or we can also do like that we can discuss other matter rather than problem matter to create harmony and friendship between two people and manage anger issues

3-Anger Management Exercise or workout:

When we feel stressful situation we feel anger as a result we could not manage our stress and cannot manage anger issues, to get rid of that situation you can go for exercise or walk it help your nerves to become calm and relax your mind to think and to solve the issue of anger and its causes,

as a person does exercise or workout a hormone is released from the mind that helps the person to relax and cope with all negative emotions of stress, anxiety, or anger

4-Take break:

To deal with stressful situations or anger we should take breaks for recreation like going out to eat, listening to music, taking a bath, going out with kids and so on it will help you to get rid of stressful or angry situations very well.

5-Think of a solution:

When things went worsen and are not under your control and you could not manage your anger then take time and try to find the solution to the problem that creating a worse situation, for example, your child not listening to you to study, your wife not understanding you, your father not understanding your career path or you get lost in business and all problem like that, in this situation we can think that we cannot change anything but we can find the solution to overcome problem not getting angry to solve a problem as it make it more complicated and worsen the situation

6-Focus on yourself:

In a situation of anger or to manage anger issues you should focus on "I" rather than "You" while talking when the situation of anger occurs rather than blaming others you should focus on what I did wrong, be respectful to others don't use harsh words or statements it will not give a solution.


Forgiveness is a powerful tool to control & manage anger issues, as you start blaming or shouting at others the situation get worsen, as you try to think in this manner that it also my mistake not only other mistake, it helps you to straight up relation with a person with which you fight, people who forgive other mentally relax and achieve more success in life rather than people who always show there anger or blaming other for all issues of all.


Humor is the best remedy for situation in which you become stressed or angry, as a person laugh it release stress and anger out from the body and you feel relaxed, it also helps to make good relationship with a person who conflicts with you, try to find little moments of life in which you can smile because life is full of the stressful situation.

9-Relaxation tricks:

When you feel stressed or you are in a situation of conflict or anger, you should close your eyes, drink water, take a deep breath and imagine yourself in your favorite place or think of your achievement past it will help you to get rid of the situation of anger or stress.

10-Consultation to psychologist:

When you see that you could not control your anger and it disturbs your life and you got feeling to want to harm someone, in this situation you should consult with a psychologist or psychiatrist they help you to cope with anger or if you need any medicine they will advise you.

In the end we cay say that anger is natural emotion we cannot kill this emotion but we can control  anger and manage anger issue by giving time to yourself take a deep breath, drink a glass of water, sit down and close your eyes imagine good situation of past, give other person time to think ,focus on problem with yourself rather than blame other for it, do exercise, walk, jogging or other workout it help you to release stress and anger, make your mood calm, as you think you could not control your anger than consult to psychologist or psychiatrist for medical treatment.  
